Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Wolves 3

This week we had gone throught the dances again and also our own group interpretations. We would show the class each one and would go through them multiple times to get them done sharply and correctly. This worked well because they were added into the play and added the sense of Verfremdungseffekt, the dances added the sense of something strange and interesting. 

We also added another strange effect, projection. We had tried the idea of there being card help up and a projection being shown onto it. Although at first it was really messy and not many wanted it in because it wouldnt go right, in the end it did work out really well. It also gave more dimension and created more interest. Rather than having a picture on a board it was something you dont usually see which made it more interesting for the audience. It also refers to Brecht's use of placards. 

1 comment:

  1. There are some good ideas here, and you have begun to explore them with some insight. You need to go further, though. What was the purpose of the dance motifs? Why is the textured projection on cards more interesting than flat projection on a screen?
    You need to develop these entries with much more depth.
